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Sunday, March 07, 2010

SANDI SHILHANEK | Help With Category Recommendations

Sandi ShilhanekEvery week when I sit down to write I try to think of what has caught my attention for the week that might catch yours as well. This week I’m going to be a bit selfish and ask for happy thoughts for a close family member. She’s going to be having a major surgery on Tuesday and has a long recuperation period ahead of her.

Unfortunately I live too far away to be of much use during the recovery period, but I can provide her with plenty of material to read, and that’s where all of you come in. She loves category romances. Every month she’s at e-harlequin ordering the Harlequin Presents and the Harlequin Romances. Those are her two favorite series, but she will read other category romances.

My question this week is do you read category romances? If so do you have a favorite line? A favorite book? A favorite author? Remember they can be a bit old as I live in a fairly large metropolitan area and have plenty of used bookstores to scour.

Even if you don’t read category romances, but read shorter books say 300 pages or less I’d love your recommendations. What better thing could I do for mom long distance than to send her a great get well present?

To comment for a chance to win a great prize from Candace Havens please click here.

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