Sara Reyes | My World's Not All Fiction...
This week I've had some blocks of time during the work day away from the office. Usually I take my laptop with me, find a place with electricity and WiFi and work, but this week was a bit different. I knew there wouldn't be WiFi, and each stop would be about 30 minutes or less and I may not have a place to unpack a laptop even a small one, so I decided to do some "work" reading.
To me, "work" reading is that stuff I've let slide for one reason or another that isn't "fun" related. Or, non-fiction technical or self-help books. I took along two: HEAD FIRST AJAX: A BRAIN-FRIENDLY GUIDE and TOTALLY TONED ARMS. Opposite poles of the non-fiction spectrum for me. Something all techie and something all probably not going to happen.
And to be honest, the TOTALLY TONED ARMS or Get Michelle Obama Arms in 21 Days never made it out of the bag. But I did get through two chapters of AJAX. Not sure if I'll retain any of the knowledge but at least I tried.
And I really regret I didn't take something more fun to oh, say, Shelly Laurenston's Mane series. I finally have all four of them and since she's coming to book club this month, it's time to re-read and catch up. I've read Shelly for a couple of years but suddenly she's a hot topic in reader circles and at our book clubs. Her paranormals manage to be really funny, not stupid-funny, are sexy or HOT, but not too hot. Her characters stay with the reader and just manage to provide a fun reading experience. In other words, she's a keeper and "everyone should read Shelly" quoting one of our members.
I'm always happy when an author gets "discovered" because in some ways if I've been mentioning her / him for awhile it's nice to have the validation. Plus then I can talk the ears off people who have read the same books and we can have fun comparing who we loved, hated and "wow, I missed that completely!"
So, how about you? What do you read for "work" and what do read for "fun?"
Until next time...
Get out there and READ a book...
Sara Reyes
DFW Tea Readers Group
Join us at Readers 'n 'ritas November 12-14, 2010! with Sherrilyn Kenyon and more guests
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PS Comment and you could win! We're giving away books from our collection. You never know what goodie you'll get!
Labels: sara reyes, shelly laurenston
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