DAILY DOSE | Blind Casting Characters
Blind casting is a practice in the film industry of casting for a television show or film without considering the actor or actress’s ethnicity. For example, when originally casting the roles of Grey’s Anatomy, the producers didn’t look for any specific ethnicities, rather they took the best actors or actresses who auditioned and then let them become the role. Can you imagine anyone else playing Cristina or Bailey or Meredith for that matter?
Blind Casting Icons
I bring up blind casting today because of a conversation revolving around loving an actor or an actress even if you hate the role they are playing and more. Gina Torres, for example, is a brilliant actress who’s played everything from a browncoat (Firefly) to an Eastern bloc spy/assassin (Alias) to a Goddess (Angel) and more. There was a rumor for a while that she might be cast as Wonder Woman.
Now the question is: would she make a good Wonder Woman or a bad one? Acting wise, I think she could nail it with both hands tied behind her back. Physicality? She’s got the look, the build and the athleticism to carry it off. Depth of character? Could she be a woman, given life by the breath of the gods and the love of an Amazon Queen, absolutely! But is her ethnicity wrong?
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