Tawny Weber | Your Inner Self...Costume Fun
In my upcoming Blaze, FEELS LIKE THE FIRST TIME, my heroine is attending a class reunion costume party. The rule? To wear a costume that represents her career--without being obvious (ie: no police uniform for a cop). Zoe had a cute costume in mind. One that would show her sense of humor and prove that she was sexy yet fun. Sounds great, right? Just how I’d like to handle going back to see people after a decade. Except there was a little mix-up with Zoe’s costume. Instead of cute and clever, she ended up with black leather and a riding crop. A studded dominatrix costume is hardly the impression she’s looking to make on her old schoolmates. Even if it does bring out her strong-willed inner self.
And somehow, by wearing the dominatrix costume and being pushed out of her comfort-zone, Zoe digs a little deeper and faces her own strength--to say nothing of facing all the wildly sexy times her costume inspires with a gorgeous costumed hunk from her past.
How about you? What’s your favorite costume idea? And what costume would you wear to represent yourself? Share your thoughts in the comments section by clicking here and we’ll randomly choose one person to win a book of their choice from my backlist!
Labels: Tawny Weber
Because I work in travel mainly selling custom Alaska cruises and tours, probably a native parka or AK native dress from SE Alaska. Could always wear a bear costume to signify Denali National Park or a moose costume....not too sexy
Marilyn, that's a crack up. :>
As a writer, I guess I could weart PJs and bunny slippers, and carry my laptop. Or scholarly robes and carry a quill. Grins.
Me, though, I think I'd wear camo and a flak jacket since I like to blow things up. Or, maybe bomb squad gear. Hahah!
Or, for my paranormals, I could wear my witch hat...what would YOU wear, Tawny??
LOL Marilyn - I'm now picturing a dancing moose for some reason *g*
Cute costume ideas!! But if you were going to pick a costume to represent the INNER YOU (the you you wanna be LOL) what'd it be?
Jeanne!!!! Love all the costume changes your different life-roles take on. Can you imagine combining them all? Witch hat, bunny slippers, quill and flak jacket?
Me? I'd go as the Queen of Hearts *g* You know, all romance writerly, bossy and funny LOL
One time at our yearly Renaissance festival I was a lady in waiting. Then I happened upon the fairy section. I'd be the fire fairy all decked out in dark greens and vibrant oranges.That is the costume that would describe me best...full of fire and energy with magical qualities!
Oh man, Mahalia, what a gorgeous costume idea!! And gorgeous and powerful inner you! I love it :-)
Hi Tawny! That is such a great pic of you!
Hmm, I'm a stay at home mom, so I would probably be in pj pants, an old ratty shirt and a hot pink pair of crocs.LOL I'm so glamorous!
If it were the inner me, I'd probably be wearing the same thing, but with an sexy pair of red high heels. Everything is better with heels on!! LOL
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