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Monday, June 29, 2009

Lori Brighton | The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

lori brightonWild HeartWriting about the publishing process sounded like a good idea until I realized I could write, well, a book. The process and the emotions I’ve experienced so far have been more than overwhelming and so to make it somewhat easier, I decided to write a simple timeline of my journey into the publishing world. So sit back, grab a bag of popcorn, and enjoy The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of getting published.

Summer of 2008— I get word from the Golden Acorn writing contest that my most recent manuscript, To Tame His Heart, has come in first place in the historical category and has been requested by Hilary Sares at Kensington. Although I’ve finaled before, this is the first time I’ve gotten first place and a request! Could this be my big break?

September— Months have gone by and no word from Kensington. I’m just about to give up when I get a call. Its Hilary Sares, she wants to buy my book! Attempt not to hyperventilate and immediately start emailing agents. Go with Helen Breitwieser from Cornerstone Literary because she seems the most excited about my book and my future career. Helen changes my book title from To Tame His Heart to To Tame His Wild Heart.

First set of edits—Hilary mentions that she wants the prologue gone and some minor characters removed. Do this in one day, then wait….and wait…and wait…

Hear from Helen who has recently talked to an editor at Avon publishing. Apparently there is another book coming out with Avon that is very similar to mine! Horror! I thought my plot was unique. Guess it’s true, there are no unique plots.

October— My editor Hilary changes book title from To Tame His Wild Heart to Wild Heart. I prefer my original title, but at this point too excited about selling to care.

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