FreshFiction...for today's reader

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Friday, April 03, 2009

Linda Bilodeau | OH Those Intriguing Characters

Linda BilodeauI'm often asked about the characters who live in my stories. Are they based on someone I know? Is there a little of myself in these characters?THE WINE SEEKERS

The answer to both questions is yes, and I believe the talent to create characters comes partly from creativity and partly from understanding human nature.

When I construct a story line, I think of who is going to live in that world and what their motives are or should be. Depending on plot, I decide if the women need to be tough, weak, courageous, deceitful or honest to a fault. What makes up their basic personality? In other words, stick that tea bag in a pot of boiling water and see how it holds up.

Curious? read the rest of Linda's blog!

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