Recently my husband and I had to begin carpooling. Our youngest son achieved one of his life’s goals…he got a driver’s license. That meant he could drive to school rather than horror of horrors take the bus. It also meant that because he was now 16 he could enroll in work-study and get out of school early. While he thinks he’s really hot stuff he hasn’t given much if any thought to the impact of being a driver without free access to a vehicle.
So that’s how my husband and I have come to carpooling. Today as we were driving in, and passed the light rail station, then we had to stop for a train, and as it passed I could see that someone had their bicycle with them. I turned to my husband and asked, “Do people often have their bikes with them?” See, even though I drive him to work he does take the train home in the evening because we can’t mesh our afternoon schedules as easily as we do our mornings. He said, “Yes, they get off the train and then bike to their final destination.”
Ok…so bikes on the train got me to thinking about how people could read on the train. I know it’s a strange leap, but there you are…now you know how my mind works. Then I wondered with the rise in gas prices how many people who didn’t normally ride mass transit are now using it, and are they sitting their staring into space, or making use of the new found time.

I’m hopeful that many people have begun to read on the train. I know that my husband has said he would read a magazine on the train, but I’ve yet to see him take one to read. I also know that with our October book club looming and it being at our house, and him being in charge of decorating that he did say he would read the book…
The Accidental Demon Slayer by
Angie Fox. He could do that on his evening commute, but alas the book remains on his dresser.

I don’t take mass transit, so I can’t read, but if I did I would surely love the extra reading time. Instead I drive, and have discovered the wonderful world of audio books. I drop him off and hit play on either my CD player or IPOD and am swept away by whatever story I’m listening to. I’m currently listening to
Charley’s Web by
Joy Fielding and the reader is Susan Ericksen. The bad part…the commute isn’t long enough because I love the narrator and the author’s story, and I could sit in my car forever listening!
How do you get to work? If you drive do you listen to an audio book? If you take mass transit do you read or otherwise entertain yourself, or are you using the time simply to relax? Remember inquiring minds have an undying curiosity and need to know.
Labels: carpooling, Sandi Shilhanek, teenager
I know of a person who has an hour communte by bus (that's two hours to and from work). She said that is her best reading time because by the time she gets home from work she is tired but still has a husband, 2 kids and a house to care for. Now she says that one of her coworkers is on the bus too so she isn't getting as much reading in. While she thinks this is nice seeing her coworker, it's really cutting into her reading time. Maybe she'll take an earlier bus. LOL
Fortunately, I work from home. So my trip to work consists of juggling a pile of laundry on the way down stairs, tossing some water in the coffee pot, unplugging the land line, and find ing something to wear that might not be mistaken for pj's in case the doorbell rings. :D
I had great comments for both Christa's post and Liane's but because I can never remember my password I lost them!
I'm going to shorten it and say thank you for the comments! I like that you not only read what I had to say, but were willing to share as well!
Thank you again.
I drive to work. I have listedn to an audio book once but typically I listen to the radio
Hi Sandi:
I am currently taking the bus to and from work each day and it actually is my time to relax and read a book.
Normally I would be driving but our eldest son is away at university and has my car at the moment. As in many families with adult children in postsecondary schooling we tend to do a lot of car shuffling.
To be honest though, I enjoy the bus ride. It's only half an hour and like you I'm often sorry its over because of being immersed in the story I'm reading.
Very nice site and interesting blog, Sandi.
When I was in college I had a 6 hour ride home. I often read or studied. After college I had about a half hour commute by train to work. I read then too. Now I drive to work and only have about a ten minute ride. I miss not having a chance to read during my commute.
Hi Sandi! Great post. Yes I drive my own car and listen to audio books when I am ever in the car by myself.
When I lived in DC I took the train into VA to work. I would not have survived if not for books. Now, with a 15min drive I may start an audio and take it into work with me. It sure fills the time.
Aren't audio books great for those who drive in? Yesterday I was listening to my current audio, Charley's Web by Fielding while I did the groceries. When I checked out I had trouble turning off my IPOD(not because I was so intent on the book...it just wouldn't turn off! HONEST!)
The cashier thought I was listening to music, and I'm like nope a book. She said she reads,but she's never listened. Wonder if I gave her something to think about.
Hi Sandi - great blog!
I've never lived more than 10 minutes away from work, so no time to read for me - I'm intrigued by audio books but have never tried them. I'm worried that I would be distracted from driving, although a friend tells me that she loves them - and I know you always have an audio story going! Maybe I'll have to give them a try, although I rarely am in the car (by myself) for more than a few minutes.
I just had to reply to this blog...as it's Sandi and another friend who turned me onto audio books. Now it's the only way I'll drive back and forth to work. Before I listened to audiobooks, I would read at each stop light (a paperback).
I've thought about carpooling, but to be honest I hate the thought of losing my audiobook time.
Great topic Sandi...and I'm going to have to check out Charley's Web as I love Susan Ericksen too.
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