Jennifer Lewis | What’s your fantasy destination?

I was handed the name Caspia and informed that it was in Europe and “like Venice.” It came complete with handsome prince Sebastian Stone, a spirited playboy in desperate need of reform by the love of a good woman: namely his down-to-earth American assistant Tessa Banks.
I’m the kind of writer who likes to know ALL the details, even if they don’t actually end up in the book, so first I had to figure out where Caspia was. I remembered there’s a Caspian Sea, but when I rushed to the globe I realized that—bordered by countries including Iran and Kazakhstan—it wasn’t technically in Europe. While visions of Kazakh horsemen galloped readily across my brain, I decided that wasn’t exactly what the Silhouette editors had in mind. After a lot of research and intense daydreaming, I imagined the horsemen had galloped through Southern Europe, conquered some picturesque countryside between Italy and Greece, and named it Caspia.
You’d never know all that from reading the book, but I needed to know ::grin::
I love warm weather, so naturally Caspia enjoys a balmy Mediterranean climate. Since I enjoy dramatic landscapes, I brushed in some steep mountains skirted with lush wildflower meadows. From the top of the crags you can look down over the red-tiled roofs of the town all the way to the glittering ocean. As Sebastian was proud of bringing prominent designer stores to his homeland, I made sure the harbor was ringed with upscale boutiques, accessible by a stroll along the smooth stone quays, or by a romantic gondola trip. ::sigh::
Nearly every review I’ve had has mentioned how much the reader enjoyed visiting Caspia in the book, so I guess my fantasy works for other people too. What would your personal paradise look like?
Labels: Europe, Fantasy, harlequin, Jennifer Lewis
My fantasy land is real. It is called Ireland. :) I just want to go back.
Lover of Books, I've always wanted to go to Ireland. It looks so beautiful, especially the coastline. That would be a very romantic place to set a book.
Palm trees, ocean breezes and warm tropical nights - and lots of chocolate...and I'd be fine. :)
Debora, I'm right there with you. We just got back from a trip to Florida and I just loved it there. Ocean the same temperature as bathwater ::sigh:: And there's something so graceful and seductive about palm trees.
Jen, I've always wondered about making up countries. I love alpha men, but I could never write about a make up country, because it was hard to picture. But your blog has really helped me!!!
Phyllis, it's funny, I find it sooo easy to picture places I haven't been, whether they exist or not. I guess I'm a very visual person. And somehow adding an alpha male into the equation really gets my juices flowing!
When you know everything about your 'country' in makes it much easier to keep from making mistakes (moving the lagoon from spot to spot and one author did!). Thanks.
Karin, that's funny about the incredible moving lagoon! I think researching and figuring out all the details is part of the fun. I don't seem to get tired of staring at pictures of beautiful places.
Jen, you do an awesome job of creating dreamy places and alpha dreamy men. Hmmm, my dream place - on a remote island near Hawaii with tall, dark and sexy.
Thanks Anne-Marie! Funny you should mention a Pacific island. I think you're going to like one of the stories I'm planning to write for 2010....
Caspia sounds like paradise to me -the ocean and a hot prince. That's all I need.
LOL Anne. Obviously, I agree :-)
I forgot to add my fantasy destination. I would love to take a cruise around the world. That way my clothes would always be neatly hung up.
I did not make it on day you were blogging as it is 12:30 A.M. here. But thought I would stop by and let you know I read your blog. I came from your newsletter.
My fantasy land would be so peaceful. Nature would abound everywhere. Water would spring up from the earth instead of flooding it. There would be no hurricanes. The temperature would be between 70 and 75 degrees year round.
Karin, a cruise has the extra benefit that you can just go to whatever country you're in the mood for--yum!
Squiresj, that sounds lovely. Thanks for stopping by!
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