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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Diane Whiteside | Bond of Fire, or A French Lady Comes to Texas

Hullo! Here it is, January 2nd, the Christmas sales are over, the New Year’s Day buffet has been reduced to a neat stack of leftovers, and BOND OF FIRE, the Texas vampires’ trilogy volume 2, has finally hit the bookstores! Yes, Hélène d’Agelet, the French secret agent and firestarter, just made it into the Texas vampires trilogy.

Need I mention that she’s usually very well-groomed, as in very, very fond of designer clothing? No? Yes, I thought you might have guessed that, since she’s a French aristocrat. She enjoys a glass of good sherry but is willing to explore Texas’s unique ways of drinking beer. She’s also very bookish and prefers her flirtations take place in libraries, which isn’t where you’d expect to find one of those rare lady vampires.

Oh, and she’s passionately in love with Jean-Marie St. Just, Texas’s chief diplomat, spy, and assassin. They fell for each other across a crowded ballroom at Versailles over two centuries ago. They’ve suffered through a lot of trials and tribulations ever since, including major pieces of nastiness like the French Revolution and the Peninsular Wars. In fact, matters became so bad Jean-Marie and Hélène have spent the past two centuries thinking the other was dead.

Plus, there’s Hélène’s vicious little sister Celeste who’d dearly love to see Hélène dead. Not that Hélène realizes that – yet…

And now it’s present-day Texas and Hélène has just learned Jean-Marie is still alive. She’s on her way to Austin, eager to be reunited with her true love.

Sometimes I wonder who’s in for more changes – Texas or Hélène?

Hope you enjoy spending as much time with Hélène as I did!


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At January 03, 2008 7:00 AM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

The book does sound intriguing and I love the cover. Diane, I enjoyed your visit at Michelle's blog and thank you for answering my questions about vampires. I look forward to seeing you at the June get-together in Ohio.


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