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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Colleen Thompson | The Best Job on Earth

As a long-time visitor to the Fresh Fiction site, I’m thrilled to be guest blogging in celebration of my new romantic suspense novel, The Salt Maiden. I thought I’d take some time to talk about why I think writing romantic suspense is the best job ever.

1. Real life can be tough. The news reminds us daily that terrible things can and do happen to good people, and the perpetrators all too often get away with their misdeeds. Not in my books. As tense and harrowing as they can get, by the end of each book, the deserving protagonists will find the happiness they deserve, my version of justice will be served, and the villain will pay.

2. I can indulge my passions and introduce the reader to them. From dogs to the prairies, deserts, and small towns of Texas to a host of fascinating pursuits (lately, I’ve flown in gliders and traveling to research an upcoming book), I can enrich my life – and I hope the lives of others – with the new things I learn while writing each and every tale.

3. I get to wreak havoc (car wrecks, fires, assaults, and an occasional murder-most-foul) in a controlled setting (my office). If someone’s been a jerk to me, I can give a baddie a few of this person’s characteristics (taking care to disguise him/her sufficiently) and exact my fictional revenge. This is great fun – and what a stress-buster.

4. Successfully interweaving mystery/suspense and romance is such a fascinating, challenging endeavor, I never get bored with my work. There’s always something new to learn, some way to make it better.

5. In the course of a day, I might make myself laugh, cry, or catch my breath – when I’m not falling in love with my book’s heroes. As much as I adore my husband, I’m usually ready to run off with each story’s hero by the time I finish writing.

All of this isn’t to say that writing romantic suspense (or anything else) doesn’t have its frustrations, as any other job does. But the perks remind me almost daily that the grass is pretty green on this side of the fence. As long as I’m having fun, I think (or hope!) that my enthusiasm communicates itself to readers and they’ll share a measure of my enjoyment through the pages.

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At November 29, 2007 9:16 AM , Blogger Linda Barrett said...

Colleen, I agree with everything you've so eloquently said about writing. And you've given me some insight into the suspense portion. I'm a coward - have walked out of movies galore which were scaring me to death. Real world situations are horrible enough to endure, so why choose to get scared in fiction? However, I can understand the control aspect very well. When you are developing the outcome and guaranteeing that justice will triumph - well, that changes everything. Not that I'm changing genres....! Thanks for sharing.


At November 29, 2007 6:41 PM , Blogger Stacy~ said...

I bet creating your own worlds and deciding what happens is an exciting thing for a writer. I'm glad you're enjoying the process.

At November 29, 2007 7:22 PM , Blogger Jo Anne said...

Colleen, I hope to be able to weave tales as well as you one of these days. I will certainly take one of your suggestions under advisement. I do have a few to-remain-unnamed sources of irritation, who I intend to seriously hurt in future books. :-)

At November 29, 2007 8:27 PM , Blogger Tambra said...


I agree with everything you said. I love romantic suspense and am in the middle of two romantic suspense novellas. The added element of danger always stirs my blood and my imagination.

Fictional revenge is sweet.

Tambra Kendall

At November 30, 2007 8:52 PM , Blogger Me said...

How fun, Colleen! I've indulged in the whole revenge-through-character thing. Like when my grumpy old mailman tried to mace my dog...he suddenly ended up in the chick lit I was writing. (Although, to disguise his identity, in the book he maced a chicken instead!)

Tera Lynn Childs

At November 30, 2007 10:54 PM , Blogger Colleen Thompson said...

ROFL about the maced chicken, Tera!

Thanks for stopping by and for the kind words, Linda, Jo Anne, Tambra, and Stacy. Life is too full of stuff we have to do but hate to for us to forget to be thankful for the things we love to write.

At December 02, 2007 3:59 PM , Blogger Christie Craig said...

Great post Colleen. I totally agree with you. We have the best job in world.


At December 03, 2007 11:39 AM , Blogger PatriciaW said...

I missed your post but I did read your book, The Salt Maiden. (My review will be posted on FF shortly.) My first Colleen Thompson but not my last.


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