Jennifer Lewis | Alpha Females
Heck no. She’s constitutionally incapable of doing that. In fact, the more he tries to rush her and goad her into selling, the harder she fights back. She’s as stubborn, proud and insistent as Naldo…something he slowly, but surely, comes to appreciate and admire.
Anna is an ‘alpha female’ who can’t be pushed around, even by the most determined ‘alpha male.’
I enjoy writing the kind of strong heroines who stand up for their beliefs and their rights, even when that makes life more difficult for them. Perhaps I enjoy living vicariously through them. In real life I dislike conflict and will sometimes let an annoyance slide to avoid a confrontation. It’s fun to write about a woman who doesn’t mind taking the heat.
Most readers like a romance heroine to be someone they can identify with, and who they’d like to be friends with. Over the years, I think heroines have changed to reflect our changing society. These days, most of us have demanding careers and busy family lives, and can readily identify with strong women who work hard for what they want and won’t stand for being pushed around.
In a story with a strong alpha male hero, I especially enjoy seeing him matched with a woman who won’t let him steamroll over her. It makes for a lot of spark and passion, and I can picture them living happily ever after as equal partners who keep each other on their toes.
At Book Expo America this summer, I was signing copies of my debut book The Boss’s Demand, when a silver-haired lady walked up to the counter, peered at my cover, then collared me: “Does she have any backbone?” I explained that indeed she did. She went on to tell me she could only read books with strong heroines. When pressed, her friend admitted that she preferred sweet, gentle heroines.
Do you like alpha females? Or do you prefer a softer, more yielding heroine? Who are some of your favorite romance heroines, and what makes you like them so much?
Everyone who enters my contest today will be entered to win a copy of Seduced for the Inheritance . If you already have the book (a quality to be admired!) you will win a copy of my July book The Boss’s Demand. If you already own that too, then I dearly love you and I will give you something else.
Labels: contemporary, Jennifer Lewis, series, silhouette, temporay
I do like alpha females. A woman who can take care of herself and stand up for herself is admirable. I don't want to read about a shrinking violet.
Hi Crystal! I agree (as you can tell, LOL). I get frustrated pretty fast with a character who won't stand up for herself.
Love alpha females. I have worked in industry with men and women, and there is nothing which annoys me more than a woman who does not do a professional job, and that can mean hiring and firing and banging together male [ and female ] heads to get the job done.
Stand by your beds.
Alpha woman is in charge.
Focus ladies, focus.
LOL :-)
I enjoy writing the kind of strong heroines who stand up for their beliefs and their rights, even when that makes life more difficult for them.
Jen, I so agree with you. As you know, Candy fits into this mold, (with a bunch of help from you :) Thanks)but she's still vulnerable in a lot of ways. You do an awesome job writing kick-butt heroines.
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Hi Anne-Marie and thanks for the compliments! I also like to see the vulnerable side of even the strongest woman. It makes them easier to identify with, I think.
LOL Ray-Anne! I love writing women who take their careers very seriously and expect to be treated just like the men they work with.
I totally agree with you, Jen! Not only do I like read about strong-willed heroines, but I write them, also. Times are changing in the writing world, I believe. We need to read about women who don't take NO for an answer. heeheee
Phyllis, I think things have already changed a lot. It seems that most heroines these days are strong and determined. I love that!
I think history tells us that stories with strong female characters are the ones that endure because they are ones we truly do relate to (e.g., Jane Austen and Shakespeare). These women are real. Women aren't some docile pin-up that some guys believe. I loved your heroine in The Boss's Demand because she appears to be steamrolled but there's a lot about her that's "stubborn" as you put it. Bravo for writing about the real women out there and bravo on your blog!
Thanks, Caroline! I'm so glad you enjoyed the Boss's Demand. You're so right about strong female characters in literature and history being the ones we remember. Women like Cleopatra and Boudicca prove that alpha females aren't new on the scene.
I love alpha females. I think it's the only type of woman to pair with an alpha male, otherwise he comes across as too domineering. He needs a woman who can stand up to him.
I've read this story, and I can tell you all that Jen knows how to write strong women. :)
What is a strong woman? To me, it's someone who knows what she wants, is aware of her vulnerabilities or upon learning of them (maybe from the hero, hee hee) is willing to work on/with them. And finally, a strong woman *should* have a big heart and be willing to share it.
Hi Anne :waves: So true! And a strong woman needs a strong partner too, someone who she won't steamroll over!
Hi Mel! That's an awesome definition of a heroine. Thanks for the kind words :grin:
Hi, Jen! Great post! I'm a lot like you in that I prefer to avoid confrontation in most situations. I would rather shrug off a comment that annoys me than get involved in a heated exchange.
However, I DO like my heroines to have a backbone. But too much backbone can sometimes make a heroine appear to have a major attitude problem. I think the key is to show both their strong side and their soft side.
You do a great job with that, by the way. :)
Thanks Cynthia! I think as women we learn how to pick our battles, and that's a good thing in a heroine too. Too much conflict can be exhausting! Thanks for the compliment :smile:
I don't like whimpy woman in real life - I certainly don't want to read about them :) - You keep creating those kick-ass, tough woman with a tender side, I will too!
Hi Debora, that sounds like a plan!
I love alpha heroines. I'd rather read about a woman who isn't going to let an alpha male decide her every move, etc., versus one that is going to meekly obey because he's the man and he's automatically right.
That being said, I don't mind when she has enough sense to let someone help her when she really desperately needs it. Too much pride and independence can annoy me a little. But if it's a choice between too much pride and not enough spine, I'll take pride.
I enjoy Alpha females very much! I want to read about a strong heroine. An example of a strong heroine that I really liked would be Brenna from Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh.
Lanie, I agree. Anna in "Seduced for the Inheritance" definitely has moments when her pride and defensiveness guides her in the wrong direction, because she's recovering from a bad marriage and she's had it up to here with men trying to push her around. I know I have moments when I can be foolishly stubborn :-)
Hi Cherie! I'm looking forward to reading "Caressed by Ice" as I love the first two in Nalini's series, as well as her Desires. She always matches strong and interesting characters!
Jennifer, I'm all for alpha heroines.
Give me a strong-willed, confident heroine over a wishy-washy one any day!
My editor says my heroines are my strength so I'd like to think I practice what I preach ;)
Hi Nicola! I so agree. Wishy washy characters of any kind do not make for a dynamic read. Congrats on having a supportive editor!
Heroines who stand up for what they believe in and don't let someone push them around is what I like. But I also like to see the other side where they are gentle and kind.
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