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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jess Michaels | “What’s in a Name?”

Jess MichaelsWell, I’m back! But this time it’s under my other name. Yes, that’s right, I’m one of those schizophrenic authors who has two names (actually three if you count my real name, which I really should since if I don’t that’s kind of scary). You already met and talked to me as Jenna Petersen earlier this month.

Jenna writes historical romances for Avon. They are Regency-set and sensual. I hope they are also highly emotional and dark. That’s what I strive for, anyway, so if you like that sort of thing… well, look me up!

But Jess… ah, Jess. She’s a whole other beast. Yes, she still writes highly emotional and dark stories, but she crosses over that sensual line and into the erotic. So if you like your love scenes a bit more adventurous and detailed, but you still want a story in there, too, Jess might be your girl. Luckily, both my names have books out in the next two months (Seduction Is Forever in October from Jenna, Everything Forbidden in November from Jess).

It’s kind of weird being two (or three) people all at once. First off, there’s the name calling. Not that kind of name calling. I mean, remembering to answer to all my names at booksignings or conferences. Sometimes I start to get so turned around that I’ll answer to anything that sounds remotely like my name (Julie, Jenny, Bess, etc). There’s also the name signing. A few weeks ago I panicked because I realized I had signed an ARC of Everything Forbidden as Jenna Petersen instead of Jess Michaels. Does that make it a collectors item?

There are advantages to having different names, though. For one thing, you get to pick your name. Which you hardly ever get to do in real life. No one waits to name their child until they have a free will. Funny how that works. Also, there is the ‘putting on’ of a name. I think my “Jenna” personality is pretty much all the best things about my real personality, but I leave the not so nice things behind. So when you meet Jenna, you get the very best of me.

The process of picking a pen name can be quite arduous. I picked Jess Michaels because it combines a portion of my real name and my husband’s name. Jenna Petersen was harder. I actually spent quite a few days sending potential names back and forth with my agent, trying to find the one that fit best. Some of the rejects were Lanie Hayes (variations of my maternal grandmothers’ maiden names), Jess Petersen (too masculine) and about twenty more that I’ve blocked out entirely. But we settled on Jenna and I have grown accustomed to it over the past few years.

So what about you? If you could pick a new name for yourself, would you do it? How would you pick it? I’ll pick one commenter to win an Advanced Reader Copy of Everything Forbidden (and I’ll try to sign it with the RIGHT name this time).

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At August 29, 2007 9:36 AM , Blogger Karen H said...

When I was about 8 or 9 years old, my mother told me the story of how I was named. My mother wanted to name me 'Ingrid' but my father nixed that. My father wanted to name me 'Sonja', after his his favorite movie star, Sonja Henie, but my mom said no to that. They finally agreed on 'Karen'. If I had my choice between the two names, I would choose Ingrid. That name has stayed a favorite of mine since I first heard this story.

At August 29, 2007 9:37 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Just wanted to add that I'll be drawing the winner of the ARC tonight between 5:30-6pm Central time! My husband and I are heading out of town after that so be sure to comment before then to be entered for the ARC!


At August 29, 2007 9:38 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

That's so funny, KarenH!! It's also so cute that started out with two rather exotic names and settled on Karen (which is very pretty, always been a favorite of mine, probably because of Karen Allen in Indiana Jones). Ingrid and Sonja are both extremely pretty as well.

At August 29, 2007 9:45 AM , Blogger Andrea said...

I don't think I'd pick a new name. Not that I'm super crazy about Andrea (not very romantic), but it was the name my parents loved and chose for me so I wouldn't change it for the world. :)

At August 29, 2007 10:30 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have noticed that most names on romance novels flow very well. I really like the name Lillian. It sounds very sweet but romantic to me. I would try to do something with that.

At August 29, 2007 10:51 AM , Blogger brownone said...

Well, I think I'd stick with my own name since it's an Indian name, Sharmila or Sharmi for short. My youngest daughter's name is Shivani (4). She tells people her name is "Fabulous" so we started calling her "Vani Fabulous". My older girl is named Anjali (6) and my uncle LOVES her name. Every time he sees her he calls her Anjelina Jolie. We call her Anja-lilly, which is what my son used to call her when she was born for some odd reason!

At August 29, 2007 11:08 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Andrea, that's sweet. I really love my 'real' name, but it isn't very marketable. Which you'd be surprised is actually a factor publishers consider (sometimes you'll be asked, though no longer required to pick a pen name). It's funny that when you're brand new so many factors can help a reader pick up the book. Name is one of them.

I love Lillian! I have considered using that for a heroine name, though I haven't found the right girl for it yet.

brownone, your girls have such pretty names and how fun that they each have their own special nickname!

At August 29, 2007 11:11 AM , Blogger flip said...

I am not certain why author change their names for differnet genres. It drives me crazy. I loved Teresa Weir, it took me forever to find her writing as Anne Fraiser. I loved the time travel by Glenna McReynolds, who knew that she was also Tara Janzen.

I love how Susan Sizemore just writes what she want under her own name.

Like would you have bought J.D. Roberts but for the fact, it was Nora Roberts.

As for my own name, it has never fit me in my opinion. Phyllis is an old lady name. I finally growing into it.

At August 29, 2007 11:13 AM , Blogger Meljprincess said...

Hi Jenna/Jess,
Just came over from MySpace. I've thought of changing my name. I'd like one of those burlesque names. Melissa Von...something or other. lol!
I've had some pretty strange nicknames in the past but everyone calls me "Mel" now.
Have fun on your trip. Hope to be a proud ARC owner this evening. *BG* xo Mel

At August 29, 2007 11:17 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

flip, sometimes it may be because a name didn't do well. It's sad but true. I don't know in the cases of the authors you listed, but if an author doesn't perform well, they will often be asked to change their name to get a clean slate with the booksellers who order their work.

Sometimes it's also because they're changing genres to something really different. For instance, someone who writes contemporary romantic comedy who wanted to change and write extremely dark historical romance would maybe change her name so that her existing fan base wouldn't be confused.

I have two names to differentiate and also because I started out as Jess Michaels and Avon didn't really care for that name when I sold my historicals.

Sometimes authors are open about that, like I am. When you type in, you are autodirected to my Jess page at the Jenna Petersen site. Avon also lists me as writer as Jess Michaels, so they don't try to hide it.

It all comes down to circumstances, I guess. :)

At August 29, 2007 11:17 AM , Blogger purplestar said...

I think having two (or three) names is a great idea. In my bookstore, I wear a nametag but I asked for another one with the name Vivian on it for when I'm feeling sassy.
I think we all have a little split personality-itis and I embrace mine!

At August 29, 2007 11:18 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Welcome Mel/Melissa! :) I love the idea of a burlesque name! Oohhhh, like I need another name!!!!! LOLOL

At August 29, 2007 11:22 AM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

LOL purplestar/"Vivian"! Embrace your inner split personality!

At August 29, 2007 11:30 AM , Blogger Meljprincess said...

LOL! J, I've found having several names keeps certain people from finding you. LMAO!

At August 29, 2007 11:30 AM , Blogger heldcaptive said...

I thought about using my own name, until I realized that a steakhouse owned the .com name. Funny, I never thought of my name as one you would want to name a steakhouse website after. So I thought I would use my middle name and true last name. Well that .com name happens to belong to someone else also. So now I am thinking about what name I would like to write under.

I like the idea of one name (either first or last) short and one name long. Like you have Jenna Peterson. Jenna being short and Peterson long. I have read that you are supposed to pick a name that dosen't put you on the bottom shelf at the bookstore. By the way Jenna, your books are on the second form the top, in a great location.

I like the idea of picking my own name. It's like slipping into character when your writing. If your bringing out the deepest, darkest, most hidden part of you in your writing, what would you name that person? The truth is I have no idea yet but hopefully that person will tell me soon. Until them I am just....

Amanda (From myspace)

At August 29, 2007 11:50 AM , Blogger J said...

Hi Jess/Jenna, whatever name you sign on the ARC is fine for me so long you're the one signing it. My name while pretty is very common. I think if I were given the choice, I would pick Mira.

At August 29, 2007 12:08 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Let's see. Let me start this off with saying my name. My name is Karlia. Growing up my name was always mispronounced, and I would always wish that my name was more common like Sara. But now that I've gotten older, I like to think that my name is unique like me! :) So I don't think I would choose any other name. I'm happy with Karlia.

At August 29, 2007 12:37 PM , Blogger J Perry Stone said...

Yeah, that would be hard to keep track of. Though if you scrawl a illiterate X in my book, Jenna, I swear I'll treasure it.

My name is Julianne. Solid, practical, unoriginal, NOT-foreign ... and not at all what I'd hoped to be, but am.

Course pretension makes me sweat in embarrassment, so if I changed my name to something like Dominique, Fatima, or Yasmeen, I'd have to walk around asking everyone to pull my finger just so I could get over myself.

At August 29, 2007 2:21 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Wow, bummer about the steakhouse name. It's a good point though. If you're an author seeking a pen name, it's vitaling important that the .com version of it be available. There were some pen names I rejected because their domain wasn't available!

Mira is a pretty 'fake' name. And Karlia is a really beautiful real name!

J. Perry, you're right, I can't think Julianne when I see you. But that's probably because I always think of you as "J. Perry". But it's a very pretty name and would look great on a cover. Julianne Stone. I'd buy that book!

At August 29, 2007 2:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am currently writing my first romance novel and I am having a heck of a time coming up with an author name. My real name is Crystal Briskey...not very exciting. I guess I could always pick two names randomly from a baby book but God only knows what I would end up with! I like both Jenna and Jess though. My daughter's name is Julianna and I have thought about using that with a short last name.... Picking a good name that flows easily is hard buisness!
P.S. You are very pretty. I like your blog picture, it looks very natural and that brings out the "shine".

At August 29, 2007 3:03 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

I wouldn't worry too much about picking a name yet, Crystal. Your agent and editor might have some input on that. Having some in mind is great, even putting a hold on a couple of domain names, but getting too worried about it isn't really worth it.

Thanks for the compliment. I actually look pretty different from that pic! I've lost some weight and I no longer have glasses (Lasik). So I'm going to have to update...


At August 29, 2007 3:08 PM , Blogger Rachel E. Moniz said...

I have struggled with the name thing also. I currently have 3 names! My real name is the one I use for my freelance work in the newspapers. My romance novel is being written under my first name and middle name (Rachel Elizabeth) I have decided on my erotic fiction name of Petra Nichols as it feminizes the name of the man I am in love with and have made wonderful mind blowing memories with LOL. I am all for pen names! Mark Twain/Samuel Clemens had it right! Rachel

At August 29, 2007 3:37 PM , Blogger Cherie J said...

Interesting post on name selection. I actually have never been interested in changing my name since I like my name. I always thought my name was pretty and what romance lover doesn't like being named for a french endearment.

At August 29, 2007 3:45 PM , Blogger Cathy M said...

I came across a name generator a few years back that came up with Belladonna MacNeil. Now doesn't she sound like an historical romance writer?

At August 29, 2007 3:50 PM , Blogger Amy C said...

I actually ahve two names. Amy and Amanda. My mom named me Amanda but has always called me Amy. She thought it was a nickname for Amanda. Once I got in school about 1st grade my teacher suggested I go by Amanda. So it was Amy at home and Amanda at school. It's always been Amy when I introduce myself but if I have to write my name down it's Amanda. I confuse myself sometimes at places like the video store or the tanning salon. I write Amanda but then I go back and forget and say my name is Amy and they cant find me.
Have a great rest of the day Jenna (Jess)!!

At August 29, 2007 3:52 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Wow,that's quite intimidating, Cathy!! LOL

At August 29, 2007 4:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already renamed myself and so far I love it. I don't think I could ever use the "other name".

I do like the idea that you have two names...for the many reasons we already know.

Great post Jess/Jenna.

At August 29, 2007 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... I can honestly say, that I have had 3 last names and my middle name is rather unique, so I could probably use any combo of any and come up with something great...LOL I think that if I had to do it for a professional reason and I knew that people were going to be addressing me, then I would probably stick with my real first name. Not very exciting, I know, but at least I wouldn't have to look over my shoulder all the time to see whom they are talking to!!
No matter what the name, I read Jenna Peterson books on a regular basis and will continue to do so. Thanks for the great blog and what a faboo question!!!

At August 29, 2007 4:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm I think I would pick a new middle name for myself. But it would have to be something kind of short and fit my personality. I think I would have to sit and think about it for a while b/c I'm silly like that :)
Jenna, which name do you answer to the most? If your family ever calls you by your real name do you sometimes ignore them?

At August 29, 2007 4:37 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Nope, my real name is what I experience 99% of the time. I only have the Jenna/Jess conundrum when at conferences and the like. So I always answer to my real name easily.

As for Jenna, I've really gotten used to it. So I put her on at conferences and I've pretty much gotten used to answering to that name now. :)


At August 29, 2007 4:49 PM , Blogger Helen said...

Helen was my mothers favourite girls name she always told me so I was their first born so it was given to me when I was younger I didn't like it but I am really happy with it now I couldn't imagine being anything else.
Have Fun

At August 29, 2007 5:03 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

BTW, thanks Amy for those very nice comments. :) And thanks to everyone who has stopped by so far! I'll be drawing a winner in just a little while and announce it here! So keep those comments coming. I appreciate them!


At August 29, 2007 5:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You know, telling us that you are using part of your name and part of your husband's name is so unfair, I won't be able to get any work done because I'm going to be putting names together and trying to guess the right one. It's okay, I waste time on much sillier stuff (don't ask) :)

My real name is Tawn but perfect strangers seem to want to call my Tawny. Maybe I'd do Tawny Rose, hmmm, that sounds like a wine, doesn't it?

Great Post!

At August 29, 2007 6:01 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Tawny Rose should write verra sexy books! LOL

At August 29, 2007 6:42 PM , Blogger JennaPetersen said...

Okay, I just randomly picked a winner and it is... drumroll...


But I couldn't just pick one, so I also will be sending an ARC to...


Ladies, I need you each to email me at and give me your full name (real, not pen please LOL) and snail mail address!

Thanks again, everyone, for making my day here such fun! I hope I'll get to come back again!


At August 29, 2007 7:05 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Well whats in a name, me I was born without a name. Let me explain, My mother's maiden name was Kelley,(which always made me dream I was related to Grace Kelley) I had a great aunt Leanner which was shorted to Leann. Which until I actually seen my birth certificate thought was Leanna. And xxxx was my fathers.. so I ended up Kelly LeAnn xxxx. My mother always called me Kellyann, really a southern thing I think. At school several Kellys so Kellyann carried over and was called Kellyann all my life,unless you wanna hear I was called leanner by my brothers. So.. I read and chat and do storylines online and I have used Liarue alot, southern makes you think of new orleans and old world times. And Lacy,one character I have had for years.She is sweet , smart, witty, and a pain in the tail sometimes. So if I had to have another name.. Lacy Liarue would be my name. Maybe one day Lacy Liarue will be a big seller. What do you think. Have a great night with your husband and take care. Family is important, and us as your readers will be waiting always. Your Friend Lacy Liarue!

At August 29, 2007 8:26 PM , Blogger Angi said...

I went through a period when I was about 10 or so where I hated my name (Angela Marie) and made everyone call me Anne-Marie. It didn't last long cause not too many wanted to fall in line with my plan. AND I forgot to answer to it LOL. Now I'm good with my name.

If I had to choose a pen name .. I don't know. I might go with the name my mother wanted to name me but my dad said "you're not naming my daughter after a weed". She wanted to name me Heather. My dad chose Angela. As for last names well my maiden name and my married name are both unique as well as flowing names.

At August 30, 2007 1:07 AM , Blogger Helen said...

I am junping up and down here Jenna thank you so much I am so excited I am so looking forward to reading this book and congrats to Amy I feel so lucky.
Have Fun

At August 30, 2007 8:09 AM , Blogger Meljprincess said...

Congratulations winners!


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