FreshFiction...for today's reader

Authors and Readers Blog their thoughts about books and reading at Fresh Fiction journals.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Already DeadSaturday, so it's really a busy day, combining family time, social responsibilities, oh, yes, a business to run. When I took on this challenge to actually blog for a week I forgot to ask if I'd get off the weekends, so here goes, just in case I've got to blog 7/365.

Yesterday was a strange day -- filled with worked and uncooperative email systems -- but I was excited when I saw the new book at 11pm. Woo Hoo! Another one I got to vote for. Yes, occasionally I am asked to vote on a Fresh Pick, I figure it's only when they really need a tie-breaker, or geez, it could I'm like Cheney ::shudder:: But I may notice I do that too much in this blogging thing.

Saturday's pick is ALREADY DEAD by Charlie Huston! Oh, man, oh, man. I loved AD when I read it last year. It was the first Huston book I'd ever read but I had to go out and get everything else he'd written -- The Harry Thompson trilogy which were not as good as ALREADY DEAD. And, yes, for those of you sighing, it's another vampire book. Oh. well.

But you know, there are "vampire books" and there ARE "thrillers that happen to have vampires as some of the characters." This is of the latter category. The vampire society is part of the background fabric, but the plot thrills and pace are what makes it an exciting read.

Highly recommend ALREADY DEAD. I'd go into more details, but that family obligation stuff is calling!

Enjoy!!!! I certainly did, Might be time for a re-read!


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