FreshFiction...for today's reader

Authors and Readers Blog their thoughts about books and reading at Fresh Fiction journals.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The 2005 book tally for me is in

I had to go back through my review binder to get the total but here it is. And no I did not break it down by ratings or anything yet. I'll do that later this week when I write my column for Fresh Fiction.

I read a total of 76 books this year and that's just ones I actually read.

I also listened to a total of 41 books, since May 2005, which was when I first started keeping track. I seem to average 1 audio a week at least so I can tack on 16 more audio books, as a guesstimate.

Not nearly as many books read as I would have thought my count would be, but it still is more than one book a week so that's not too shabby! LOL

How did everyone else do? Did you read as many as you expected, or less? For people who track every year, how does that compare to 2004? Any goals to meet or beat your 2005 totals?



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