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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What' I've been reading

I realized I haven't posted in here in a couple weeks. I'm not going to backtrack the past couple weeks but I'm going to try to remember to keep doing this weekly at least.

Well my vacation officially started this past Friday and I have great plans for reading this week. I pulled out about 10 books that I'm hoping to get through. So next week my reading list may be large if all goes according to plan. :-)

I finished Harry Potter 6 on CD this past week and I loved it! I was stunned a few times with the turns events took. And yes she did kill someone else off, but that's no secret since she's not been hiding the fact that would happen this book. But I'm not saying anything as to who since I don't want to spoil it for anyone. All I can say is when the person died I actually yelled "NO you CAN'T do that to us!!" Fortunately no one was here to hear that except my cats and they are used to me bursting out with some reaction to something. LOL

I'm still working on Volume 3 of the Legends anthology too. I put it on hold for Harry. Right now I'm on the story by Ursula Le Guin (SP?) in a story that goes with her Earthsea series. It's not a bad story but let's just say... Get an editor! Some ridiculous errors in some things. I get annoyed when I see the same word or phrase used in a sentence two or three times and then repeated in the next sentence and that is happening a lot here. There's a reason we have something called synonyms. Or heck, the word or expression isn't needed more then once to make the point in the sentence or paragraph. It is one of my pet peeves. And one that when I do editing for people I'm always griping to find overuse of words or phrases.

OCEANS OF FIRE by Christine FeehanCHARMED SPHERE by Catherine AsaroIn paper, I finished Oceans of Fire by Christine Feehan and started The Charmed Sphere by Catherine Asaro from the Luna series. Oceans was good, but typical of Feehan, and was somewhat unbelievable in a lot of the plot. But I tried to overlook that. Sphere is good though confusing in parts. I'm 100 pages from finishing it and have gotten the idea behind the plot now but it is still confusing in some parts. I also have the second book in this series of hers, The Misty Cliffs to read next.

In electronic I am still working on The Weaver by I forget who. This was a review book I started before vacation so I'm trying to finish it as I refuse to read review books on my vacation this time. I want a break from ALL jobs, not just the paying one. LOL This book is OK but I'm kinda getting bored with it and hoping it picks up soon. It's a horror of sorts but more a fantasy I think. Either way I'm ready to finish it. LOL


At July 26, 2005 4:29 PM , Blogger Kelley said...

OK have I said lately that I hate Blogger's new photo system? Nothing ever loads right for me as can be seen by these little red "x" boxes everywhere. *sigh* So what's the trick to get them to load properly? can someone help?

At August 03, 2005 9:47 AM , Blogger Sara Reyes said...

Kelley, I fixed it for you. Check out the code and try to follow that for the pictures. I don't know why your uploads aren't working.

At August 06, 2005 12:49 AM , Blogger Kelley said...

Thanks Sara. I'm going to be posting in a minute ehre and I'll try to figure it out.


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